Prevalence and risk factors for silicosis among a large cohort of stone benchtop industry workersRyan F Hoy, Christina Dimitriadis, Michael Abramson, Deborah C Glass, StellaMay Gwini, Fiona Hore-Lacy, Javier Jimenez-Martin, Karen Walker-Bone, Malcolm R Sim
16 June 2023
Mental health service use among Canadian veterans within the first 5 years following service: methodological considerations for comparisons with the general populationKate St.Cyr, Paul Kurdyak, Peter M Smith, Alyson L Mahar
25 May 2023
Testicular germ cell tumour risk by occupation and industry: a French case–control study – TESTISMargot Guth, Astrid Coste, Marie Lefevre, Floriane Deygas, Aurélie Danjou, Shukrullah Ahmadi, Brigitte Dananché, Olivia Pérol, Helen Boyle, Joachim Schüz, Louis Bujan, Catherine Metzler-Guillemain, Sandrine Giscard d’Estaing, Marius Teletin, Berengere DucrocqSee the full list of authors
25 May 2023
Night work and breast cancer risk in a cohort of female healthcare employees in Stockholm, SwedenPer Gustavsson, Carolina Bigert, Tomas Andersson, Manzur Kader, Mikko Härmä, Jenny Selander, Theo Bodin, Maria Albin
3 May 2023
Occupational risks for infection with influenza A and B: a national case–control study covering 1 July 2006–31 December 2019Kjell Torén, Maria Albin, Tomas Bergström, Magnus Alderling, Linus Schioler, Maria Åberg
16 May 2023
Impact of asthma on working life: an analysis of the French CONSTANCES cohortDorothée Provost, Marie-Christine Delmas, Laetitia Bénézet, Céline Ribet, Julie Chesneau, Chantal Raherison, Marcel Goldberg, Orianne Dumas, Nicole Le Moual, Yuriko Iwatsubo
25 May 2023
Coverage, completion and outcomes of COVID-19 risk assessments in a multi-ethnic nationwide cohort of UK healthcare workers: a cross-sectional analysis from the UK-REACH StudyChristopher A Martin, Katherine Woolf, Luke Bryant, Charles Goss, Mayuri Gogoi, Susie Lagrata, Padmasayee Papineni, Irtiza Qureshi, Fatimah Wobi, Laura Nellums, Kamlesh Khunti, Manish Pareek, , On behalf of the UK-REACH Study Collaborative Group, Manish PareekSee the full list of authors
23 May 2023
Contact patterns of UK home delivery drivers and their use of protective measures during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional studyJessica R E Bridgen, Hua Wei, Carl Whitfield, Yang Han, Ian Hall, Chris P Jewell, Martie J A van Tongeren, Jonathan M Read
13 April 2023
Cooling vest improves surgeons’ thermal comfort without affecting cognitive performance: a randomised cross-over trialJill E Byrne, Fabio Andres Rodriguez-Patarroyo, Edward J Mascha, Yanyan Han, Mauro Bravo, Michael R Bloomfield, Stephen M Rao, Daniel I Sessler
4 May 2023
Correction: What role for asbestos in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis? Findings from the IPF job exposures case–control studyBMJ Publishing Group Ltd
12 May 2023