Cross-sectional associations of different types of nature exposure with psychotropic, antihypertensive and asthma medicationAnu W Turunen, Jaana Halonen, Kalevi Korpela, Ann Ojala, Tytti Pasanen, Taina Siponen, Pekka Tiittanen, Liisa Tyrväinen, Tarja Yli-Tuomi, Timo Lanki
16 January 2023
Ever and cumulative occupational exposure and lung function decline in longitudinal population-based studies: a systematic review and meta-analysisGolam Rabbani, Naima Nimmi, Geza P Benke, Shyamali C Dharmage, Dinh Bui, Malcolm R Sim, Michael J Abramson, Sheikh M Alif
24 October 2022
Prenatal occupational disinfectant exposure and childhood allergies: the Japan Environment and Children’s studyReiji Kojima, Ryoji Shinohara, Megumi Kushima, Sayaka Horiuchi, Sanae Otawa, Hiroshi Yokomichi, Yuka Akiyama, Tadao Ooka, Kunio Miyake, Zentaro Yamagata,
28 March 2022
Neurocognitive impairment in night and shift workers: a meta-analysis of observational studiesThomas Vlasak, Tanja Dujlovic, Alfred Barth
8 March 2022
Long-term exposure to air pollution and COVID-19 incidence: a prospective study of residents in the city of Varese, Northern ItalyGiovanni Veronesi, Sara De Matteis, Giuseppe Calori, Nicola Pepe, Marco M Ferrario
10 January 2022
Cumulative exposure to psychosocial stressors at work and global cognitive function: the PROspective Quebec Study on Work and HealthCaroline S. Duchaine, Chantal Brisson, Denis Talbot, Mahée Gilbert-Ouimet, Xavier Trudel, Michel Vézina, Alain Milot, Caroline Diorio, Ruth Ndjaboué, Yves Giguère, Benoît Mâsse, Clermont E Dionne, Elizabeth Maunsell, Danielle Laurin
6 July 2021
World Trade Center Health Program: 20 years after 9/11Geoffrey M Calvert, Dori Reissman, John Howard
10 September 2021
Effects of dietary patterns on driving behaviours among professional truck drivers: the mediating effect of fatigueYan Ge, Shanshan He, Yan Xu, Weina Qu
16 June 2021
Evening chronotype is associated with poor work ability and disability pensions at midlife: a Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 StudyTapio Räihä, Iiro Nerg, Heidi Jurvelin, Andrew Conlin, Marko Korhonen, Leena Ala-Mursula
23 February 2021
Changes in prolonged sedentary behaviour across the transition to retirementKristin Suorsa, Anna Pulakka, Tuija Leskinen, Jaana Pentti, Jussi Vahtera, Sari Stenholm
17 November 2020